Furio Statistics November 18th

Joe @ digital-coins.net
4 min readNov 18, 2022


Welcome to another iteration of our Furio statistics article series on November 18th. Some interesting movements in the Furio ecosystem happened this week. Lets have a look at these together.

The $FUR token sits currently at 4.49 USD, which is on the lower end of the LMS (Liquidity Management System) range, which intends to keep the price between a price of 4.50 and 5.50 USD. If you look at below screenshot you see the constant up and downs around 4.50 in the price chart from CoinMarketCap.com USD. Quite interesting to see the on-going action.


Probably as expected in the current market environment we are in, there was again a slower increase in number of new investors (wallets) in the ecosystem. Still, 397 joined the Furvault, which is still another increase of 3.5%. That is still more then 50 new investors on a daily basis.

Deposits-wise we saw an increase of 4.9% in the vault, meaning existing investors increased their deposits. Might be related to the lower price of the $FUR token currently, so people took the chance to increase their vaults. Quite a wise decision if you ask me.

Comparing deposits and claims this week, we see again a shrinking gap: 1.7m of deposits versus 1.1m of claims from the vault. Last week it was 1.7m vs 0.93m. Claims increased by almost 21% in other words. Although this could be linked to the newly introduced functionality of claiming directly into the Furpool, as the number of pool-investors raised quite a bit, if we look at that in a little bit.


As just mentioned above, the Furpool saw a drastic increase of investors this week: An additional 115 investors provided liquidity or in another words an increase of more then 13%. Again, I suppose this is due to the new functionality to claim directly in the Furpool, but also due to the extended staking options of 120 and 150 days lock periods with additional incentives of 15, resp. 20% boost of rewards.

On the other side we see a drop of the total staked amount by 6.5%. I guess this is simply due to the token drop currently.


Interesting movements on the Furbot side: Furbots balance got topped up again by 1.5m USD to a total of 2.8m USD in total deposits overall. While we saw some quite positive trades last week, this week was not yet successful for Furbot. Just have a look at below chart. A little profit was earned today, although this doesn’t make up it up for the trades from the other days. Profit-wise Furbot is looking at an overall loss of 8.03% or 227k USD in total.


To keep it short: Furio ecosystem overall is still growing and the LMS is doing its job keeping the $FUR token in the targeted range.

Any other views and feedback are more then welcome.

With that I wish everybody a great weekend and thanks again for reading.

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