Furio Statistics November 25th

Joe @ digital-coins.net
4 min readNov 25, 2022


Welcome to this (Black) Fridays episode. Hope our American colleagues enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving. And everyone else had a great week. With that, hope you are ready for some number crunching. And some additional charts. Many thanks for all the feedback and suggestions from last week. I gave it a start, but for sure need some further tuning. But lets take one step after another.

Our beloved $FUR token is trading at a similar level as last week at currently 4.45, minor decrease of 0.8%. Overall we see the Furio Ecosystem still growing, on a slower pace though, but will dive more into details further down.


If we look at the number of investors we are now beyond the mark of 12'000; 12'083 investors to be precise. That is an increase of 212, but “only” 1.8%. Given the discussions we had last week, I compared also the delta’s between the weeks since I started capturing the numbers. This is since end of September. You see in the chart “Furvault #1 Delta” that is is the lowest growth number since then. Still a growth, just to be aware, but currently on a lower level.

What is quite interesting to see in this chart is that the only increasing number are the claims. Again, I am unsure if this is still related to the new “Claim to Furpool” functionality, and this could well be, seeing the increased count of stakers in the pool, or if people are mitigating their risk and started claiming more often. Having read one or the other article on strategy changes lately, like moving to 6+1 strategy, both scenarios could well be valid.

What is your view here out of interest?

Interesting here to see the continued increase of the compounds, but we clearly see also in the new delta chart “Furvault #2 Delta” people start to increase their claiming behavior. Value-wise of course more is still getting compounded. And still much more getting deposited (1.8m) and also tax-wise the ecosystem is profiting from slightly more then a million, which is an increase of 14%.

Any feedback on the new delta chart is much appreciated. Do they make sense? Are the even better then the other ones? Like to hear from you.


Furpool so another increase this week: Both in the number of investors (+149) and the total amount staked, which sits currently at 619'411; an increase of 9.8%. Compared to last week this is a very positive sign given we saw the Furpool shrinking back then. Clearly visible in the chart below.


What is our beloved Furbot doing? Currently it continues to burn money. With that we summarized the week almost. Total profit or better loss sits at 8.51%. The bot lost another 0.5% compared to last week, or 13'500 USD. There was only a single positive trading day as per the chart below. Interestingly yesterdays closing was positive. Interestingly, because it was Thanksgiving in the USA. What about a few additional public holidays for you, colleagues? :-)

And yes, we have to judge the bots performance in the long term, I am aware. As I am doing weekly articles, I take the freedom to judge its weekly performance too.


I conclude with a similar short statement as last week: The Furio ecosystem is still growing. Although slower then it used to do. Especially on the new investor side it is not as high as it used to be (since September). I assume people prefer shopping on Black Friday instead of investing in Furio. Happy shopping.

As always, your feedback, comments and and discussion is very welcome. Even looking forward to it. Enjoy the weekend.

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