Furio statistics October 21st

Joe @ digital-coins.net
3 min readOct 21, 2022


Another week, another look at the Furio ecosystems from a numbers perspective. Numbers don’t lie, as we know. So here we go with the numbers from today, October 21st:

As always we look at the $FUR token as the first number. As this is in my personal opinion the biggest risk in the whole system. This continues to look good. Furio is doing a great job keep the price stable since early October.

Furio Vault

The vault continues to grow. This week 894 investors joined, this is an increase of 11.2%. That is even a bigger step forward then the week before, where the vault increased by 10.9%. Also the deposit transactions keep on growing by an additional 11.7%. This is always a good sign if the deposits increase more then the number of new joiners. It shows the trust of the existing investors, if they increase their stake in the ecosystem. The opposite, the claims, went up only 5.8% in comparison. This is a bullish sign for Furio as there is way more money flowing into the vault then leaving.

The transactions, producing taxes, increased in an expected range of 12.4%.


The Furpool saw again a significant increase in net new money by 22.7%. That is a bit lower then last week where we had 25.4%. The number of investors increase by 94 or by almost 16%, compared to last week where almost 18% joined the Furpool. LP price stays stable as well with a minor increase of a cent to 4.74 USD.


Lets continue by having a look at Furbot. Lets start by having a look at the number of NFT’s sold so far. The other week, that’s when the sale opened up, 1'097 NFTs were sold. This week another 102 NFTs were sold to interested parties resulting in a total of 1'199 NFTs sold so far. There is a total supply of 5'000.

Looking at the performance of the bot, 500'000 USD were deposited to start its trading activity, we are still overall in a downtrend so far with a loss of 4.25% or in Dollars 21'271. I guess the performance of the bot is inline with the demand of the NFT’s: If the performance of the bot will (hopefully) start to increase, the number of sales will go up as well. Currently, there is just no incentive to invest into it in my personal view.

If you got feedback on what other dimension I could include, or you draw other or additional conclusions based on the data provided, please comment. Feedback is always appreciated helps me to improve.

Thanks for your time and have a great weekend everyone.

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