Furbot — Furio trading bot and new NFTs

Joe @ digital-coins.net
3 min readOct 1, 2022


As promised in yesterdays article, let me summarize one of the latest developments on Furio and its ecosystem. Any feedback on that article about statistics around Furio and your interest is appreciated. If you haven’t read it yet, please take a minute or two and do so. Thanks for your time.

So, on to the topic about Furio developments. What are the big news around Furio besides the Liquidity Management Service (LMS) that is making contributions to the ROI Dapp?


The Furio Dev Team (FDT) evaluated various trading bots in various markets in various combinations to achieve not various, but best results. The evaluation concluded with a combination of bots resulting in an average profit of 8 to 10% per month. So what does that mean?

The FDT will put two trading pools in place: A closed Pool (Pool 1) only open to and supporting the LMS. 20% of the LMS will be used in Pool 1 and all the profits will be transferred back to the pool.

Then there is another pool. Pool 2 or Open Pool, available to the members of the community. All members? The membership requires you to be an owner of an NFT, which is not yet available. Furio will host a sale on 11th October at 5PM UTC (mark the date in your calendars) where you will have the choice to buy such an NFT. The first 30 minutes are exclusively for the 2.5% club members and there is no restriction on how many NFTs you can buy. The sale is open for 24 hours. Here is an article how I achieved the 2.5% reward to be also club member and have an advantage.

Open Pool profits

Why should I buy such a NFT? You mean besides the track record the FDT got already? Lets have a look on what is known so far:

The trading profits will be distributed for the first time at the end of November: 50% of the profits will be distributed to NFT holders. Quite a big junk of the profits it looks like. 20% goes back into the LMS and another 20% will be re-invested (re-compounded as it sounds like). The remaining 10% are for management and maintenance fees of the bots.

The FDT gives various examples on how much you can profit from your 200 USDC NFT investment. At the end, it heavily depends on the markets and the trading bots performance of course. If the evaluation results stay consistent between 8 and 10% then you can expect a profit of about 4–5%, as only 50% gets distributed to NFT holders, so around 8 to 10 USD per NFT. With the compounding effect, this should and will increase over time.

NFT holders also seem to have the option to either withdraw on a monthly basis or accumulate (not re-compound) to safe gas fees and withdraw the profits from the past month in a single transaction.

There will also be a marketplace to trade NFTs called Furo Marketplace with a trading fee of 2.5%.

The future

This is already very bullish news for me. Yeah, even more bullish. But there is more in the pipeline: The FDT even intends to create trading bots with different risk profiles. How awesome is that? So if your risk appetite is low, not sure if Furio is the right place for you then, you can just use the conservative pool. If you like to increase your risk, just choose another pool to participate. There is not yet much more information know of these different profiles and the performance. Lets see if the team shares any updates on the topic soon.

So all in all, the future looks very bright for us Furio investors.

Team link

Are you also interested in gaining 2.5% daily on your investment? Are you looking for a team to join or just like to follow me on that Defi journey? You are very welcome to join me by using below link and address:


Team address: 0xb3C253D80578f569cFd4fe2E916EDbF01B384577



Joe @ digital-coins.net
Joe @ digital-coins.net

Written by Joe @ digital-coins.net

Bitcoins, Altcoins, News, DeFi and exlporing new stuff

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